Simple Space v1.3 UPCOMING UPDATE


After taking some time to learn more in Godot, i decided to fall back and try to implement the new things I've learned recently and make an 1.3 update. In this new update i plan on adding and/or reworking the following:

Already Completed:

  • Optimized "Player Ship" collisions
  • Optimized "Player Ship" movement, as well as added "forwards" & "backwards" movement
  • Decreased the size of the playable area
  • Reworked "Enemy 1" & "Enemy 2" & their animations
  • Optimized and reworked all enemy spawners
  • Reworked SFX
  • Added 4 new weapons
  • Added 4 new engines

Things NOT Completed:

  • Adding a bunch of new enemies
  • Rework enemies 3-8
  • Adding a "Boss" fight
  • Adding some dialog
  • Adding basic missions
  • Adding new loot drops
  • Reworking title scene

+ MUCH more! This will be a rather large update as well as me testing what I've learned!

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